Types of meters

There are different types of meters found among the 3.8 million in use throughout Québec.

Do you know which one you have?



compteur-analogueis comprised of  a spinning disc and some dials, functions independently, and doesn’t emit any radio frequencies. It requires someone to take the reading directly from the meter. Officially, its  life expectancy is 25 years, but some have been know to work well beyond that (40 or even 50 years).

The majority of meters  in Quebec are still of this kind. That is, 3 million electromechanical meters (or analog meters).

Excerpt from the Landis Gyr website : “Single-phase electromechanical meter. Introduced over a century ago, electromechanical meter technology remains the most efficient means of measuring kilowatt-hours. The MX induction meter series by Landis+Gyr is equipped with enough built-in capabilities to keep pace with future technology upgrades. The MX single-phase meter has the accuracy you need and the durability to last 30 years. It’s the most reliable and cost-effective meter you’ll find.


(Centron Itron)


emits radio frequencies every 30, 5 or 2 seconds. To take a reading of the consumption data, the meter reader has to be  near the meter (from his/her truck,  for example), but doesn’t need to be in front of it. This meter emits radio frequencies 2880 times a day or approximately 1 000 000 times a year (for the model emitting every 30 seconds), and up to 43 200 times a day or more than 15 000 000 times a year (for the model emitting every 2 seconds). The meter  is kept emitting 24/7/365  for the meter reader who takes a reading every 2 months or 6 times a year. Its life expectancy is 15 years.

Since 2004, Hydro -Quebec has been installing them throughout the province without informing the customers that these meters emit radio frequencies.

Over 820,000 to date … You may have one. (Le Devoir article dated March 22, 2012)


(Focus Landis Gyr, “smart” meter)

focus landis-gyrInside every smart meter are two (2) radio transmitters/antennae: one being the LAN (Local Area Network) that forms a meshed grid system for automated data collection, operates on 900 MHz, and radiates over a distance of 3 Km; the other being the “ZigBee,” which operates on 2.4 GHz – this one has not been approved for use in Québec at this time.
Each meter sends and receives data from other meters, as well as the routers and data collectors that make up the system.The routers and collectors emit radio frequencies. This meshed grid will be in addition to the radio frequencies already present in the environment from other wireless networks and technologies. Once the other antennae is approved, household levels of radio frequencies will go up significantly as yet another web is created by “smart” applicances communicating with the meter.

 Only 20 000 of these meters where installed as of January 2013.

Hydro-Québec plans to install 1.7 million meters in the Greater Montreal Area by the end of 2014.  See Refusons les compteurs’ site for information about the deployment.

 Numbers obtained from Hydro-Québec in August 2012 for the pilot projects:

Boucherville: 1 collector, 12 routeurs & 5 735 compteurs
Memphrémagog : 1 collector, 119 routers & 1 762 compteurs
Villeray : 2 collectors, 16 routers & 12 501 compteurs

Hydro-Québec explanatory video on “smart” meters


(Centron Itron C1S)

1-cncCustomers who refuse to have the CNG (compteur nouvelle génération/New generation meter) installed are required to pay for the installation of a CNC (compteur non-communicant/Non Communicating meter). As well, yearly fees will be added to their bill for having the CNC read by a meter reader.

When customers have called  Hydro-Quebec to have more information about this particular meter, the answers varied from one call to the next. Answers to the effect that the meter does emit radio frequencies, or doesn’t at all or only when the meter reader comes to take a reading.  This clearly has caused confusion, and Hydro-Québec responded to the Refusons les compteurs team request for clarification with an email stating:
“The Non Communicating meter is an Itron. It is not equipped with a communication chip and, therefore, there is no wireless transmission of data at all. This meter being electric, it emits electromagnetic waves, as all electric appliances do, but no radio frequencies  They will be identifiable with the help of an “X” being the first character of the Hydro-Quebec Distribution number on the front of the meter (ex. X9SJ-1234567).”

This has been a general overview of the different types of meters. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to share any information.